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Přiznám se, že dokud Grace nezačala Simonovi vyprávět svůj životní příběh, neměla jsem se moc čeho chytit, ale pak mě to pořádně chytilo a prostě jsem musela vědět, jak to všechno dospělo do bodu, kde knížka začíná - stejně jako Simon. Někdy v polovině mi bylo jasné, že se stejně nedozvím, jak to bylo, a Margaret Atwood udělala co šlo, aby to bylo tak nejednoznačné jako skutečný případ. Já osobně se přikláním k tomu, že šestnáctiletá Grace spolupracovala ze strachu o svůj život, ale přestala se hájit a uzavřela se, když zjistila, že ji nikdo neposlouchá - ale hodně je to tím, že mi v knížce prostě byla sympatická.
Hodně se mi líbilo, jak se pracovalo s postavou Simona Jordana - ta posedlost Grace jako nedostižného ideálu, ta nečekaná, ale vášnivá aférka s domácí - a jak to vlastně v jisté zvrácené logice všechno zapadalo do sebe. Na konci mi ho bylo líto - stejně jako Grace se ocitl uvězněn lidmi, které vlastně nezajímá on, ale to, čím by ho chtěli mít, a pravděpodobně se z toho nemá šanci dostat. Bylo skvělé, jak se Simon postupně vytrácel z příběhu zároveň s tím, jak se vytrácela jeho příčetnost a nakonec i rozum, až vymizel do prázdna pro všechny kromě Grace, která tento osud velmi dobře zná.
Po řemeslné stránce to byla opět naprostá pecka, o čemž ostatně vypovídají útržky níž. Jsem fakt ráda, že jsem se k tomu vrátila a dala tomu druhou šanci, přišla bych o výborný román. Těším se na minisérii.
“It’s not easy being quiet and good, it’s like hanging on to the edge of a bridge when you’ve already fallen over; you don’t seem to be moving, just dangling there, and yet it is taking all your strength.”
“But he'd learned some worthwhile lessons nonetheless. How easily people die, for one; how frequently, for another. And how cunningly spirit and body are knit together. A slip of the knife, and you create an idiot. If this is so, why not the reverse? Could you sew and snip, and patch together a genius? What mysteries remain to be revealed in the nervous system, that web of structures both material and ethereal, that network of threads that runs through the body, composed of a thousand Ariadne's clues, all leading to the brain, that shadowy central den where the human bones lie scattered and the monsters lurk...
The angels also, he reminds himself. Also the angels.”
“I envy them for having a heart to bestow. I often feel that I myself am without one, and possess in its stead merely a heartshaped stone; and am therefore doomed to “wander lonely as a cloud,” as Wordsworth has put it.”
“If you stare into the darkness with your eyes open, you are sure to see something after a time. I hope it will not be flowers. But this time they like to grow, the red flowers, the shining red peonies which are like satin, which are like splashes of paint. The soil for them is emptiness, it is empty space and silence. I whisper, Talk to me; because I would rather have talking than the slow gardening that takes place in silence, with the red satin petals dripping down the wall.”
“[...] I could hear my own heart, trudging and trudging, as if on a long and weary road that I was doomed to walk along whether I wanted to or not, and who could tell when I would get to the end of it.”
“If we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged.”
“But he'd learned some worthwhile lessons nonetheless. How easily people die, for one; how frequently, for another. And how cunningly spirit and body are knit together. A slip of the knife, and you create an idiot. If this is so, why not the reverse? Could you sew and snip, and patch together a genius? What mysteries remain to be revealed in the nervous system, that web of structures both material and ethereal, that network of threads that runs through the body, composed of a thousand Ariadne's clues, all leading to the brain, that shadowy central den where the human bones lie scattered and the monsters lurk...
The angels also, he reminds himself. Also the angels.”
“I envy them for having a heart to bestow. I often feel that I myself am without one, and possess in its stead merely a heartshaped stone; and am therefore doomed to “wander lonely as a cloud,” as Wordsworth has put it.”
“If you stare into the darkness with your eyes open, you are sure to see something after a time. I hope it will not be flowers. But this time they like to grow, the red flowers, the shining red peonies which are like satin, which are like splashes of paint. The soil for them is emptiness, it is empty space and silence. I whisper, Talk to me; because I would rather have talking than the slow gardening that takes place in silence, with the red satin petals dripping down the wall.”
“[...] I could hear my own heart, trudging and trudging, as if on a long and weary road that I was doomed to walk along whether I wanted to or not, and who could tell when I would get to the end of it.”
“If we were all on trial for our thoughts, we would all be hanged.”